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7. Calculating Solubility Product from Solubility Data

When the solubility S of a slightly soluble salt is experimentally determined, it is possible to calculate the value of Ksp. The solubility equals the amount of salt (in g or in mole) dissolved in 1 L of a saturated solution at the specified temperature.

Let us consider the salt MpLq(s) with a solubility of S mol/L:

MpLq(s) p Mm+(aq) + q Ln-(aq)

In the saturated solution of MpLq:

[Mm+] = p x S and [Ln-] = q x S.


Exercise #7


Calculating Solubility Product from Solubility Data

MpLq(s) p Mm+(aq) + q Ln-(aq)

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